Alleged Principal Officers Impeachment: President Igbifa, The Dogmatic Emperor of IYC


By Peter Jonah,

It is disheartening, shallow and of utmost disregard ranging from the state of affairs of the most revered Ijaw Youth Council, IYC to be reduced to a one man’s charade.

An obvious glance in recent times, particularly some few days. And the issues of the Ijaw Youth Council being rubbed to the ground and reduced to the barest minimum by the 8th NEC led by Comr. Peter Igbifa, who is an ordained Deacon in church makes one to question the authenticity of his ordination.

President Peter Igbifa’s flagrant disregard to the parliament, zones and chapters as well as critical stakeholders of Council is very alarming and a deliberate means to make himself an emperor of Ijaw Youth Council.

His activities of trying to control the National Eleco, saddled with the responsibility of conducting a free, fair and credible elections to his whims and caprices, inorder to enthroned his anointed President is indeed a nightmare he will not wake from.

Igbifa’s quest for absolute power made him to stage a kangaroo impeachment of the Speaker of the 5th Mobile Parliament and other Principal officers in a half-baked, nepotic and shenanigan emergency sitting made by parliamentarians he bribed and cajoled with the cash-out he made during the NDDC protest saga.

It is pertinent to state that the founding fathers of Council did not plaque it into such a despicable and demeaning manner, if not we wouldn’t be enjoying it.
The overnight dogmatic emperor President Igbifa is trying to make himself will only fail woefully as he has less than a month to leave office.

If there is anything President Igbifa should do, is to tell Ijaw Youths how he kidnapped himself by himself and went ahead to announce that he was kidnapped during the NDDC saga.

In his three years in office, he has zero achievement and nothing to write home, yet he wants to anoint a successor.
Igbifa should know that IYC is not party politics where they anoint successors to succeed them.

There will be no parallel elective convention and there will be no parallel 9th NEC.
IYC has grown beyond that stage. Hence, Igbifa and his cohorts should open their eyes wide to grasp it.

I therefore, called on the Government of Bayelsa and Rivers States, the Ijaw Commissioner, the Ijaw National Congress, INC, past president of IYC and critical stakeholders of Council to caution Igbifa’s excesses, flagrant abuse of power and dogmatic emperor-like leadership because it will be vehemently resisted. And he will met his waterloo.

I am Comr Keneware Emmanuel, (The Pentiger), Niger Delta Activist and Youth Advocate, writes from Western Zone


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