Rivers Council Boss Ollor, Demolishes Criminal Hideout In Eleme


Briga News Nigeria

– Warns Property Owners against Habouring Criminals.

A known criminal hideout described as a small shanty town was demolished yesterday by the Executive Chairman of Eleme LGA Council, Chief Hon. Obarilomate Ollor.

The criminal hideout which is situated beside Aleto Bridge, along the Eleme axis of the East-West road is largely occupied by homeless cart pushers, drug addicts, scavengers/collectors of non-perishable wastes and other deviants who attack motorists and passerbys at night with dangerous weapons.

Chief Ollor who described Aleto bridge as a major gateway into Eleme local government area and the entire Rivers-East senatorial district frowned at the nefarious activities of these deviants which do not only deface the serenity of the environment but also distorts its landscape and pollute the surrounding waterbody thus, threatening the safety and security of investors.

Chief Ollor reinstated his stance in making Eleme an investors safe haven and vowed to rid the place of every security threat.

The Council Boss further warned land owners who have converted their properties to an enclave to harbour criminals within Eleme to desist forthwith or have such properties confiscated in accordance with the law.

Supervising the demolition exercise was the Supervisor for Environment, Hon. Powers Okazu who stated that the Council Chairman’s directive will be executed accordingly with effective follow ups within the neigbouring communities to ensure displaced criminals do not move into the communities to introduce new wave of crimes.

In a related development, the council Chairman
in company of the Manager of Setraco Nigeria Limited, Engr. Michel Issa visited bad spots along the Port Harcourt to Eleme old Bori road at Aleto to profer lasting solution to the failed portion of the road while awaiting full-scale intervention/construction by the incoming administration of Sir. Siminalayi Fubara.


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