Ologbotsere Title: Ayiri Emami Write Open Letter to Oborevwori, Security Agencies


Briga News Nigeria


His Excellency,
The Executive Governor of Delta State
Government House
Asaba, Delta State


The above subject matter refers.

My attention has been drawn to a letter to your office, with a letterhead, ITSEKIRI GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Warri Kingdom, and signed by an imposter to the Title of Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, one Chief (Engr.) Oma Eyewuoma.

I wish to notify you that, there is no entity or office, known and/ or referred to as ITSEKIRI GENERAL ASSEMBLY.

It is also necessary to inform you that, the Title of Ologbotsere of Warri, is occupied by my humble self, as it is a family title of the Ologbotsere Eyiminsan family descendants, who has the sole right to select a member of the family to become the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom. This matter is currently subjudice.

Permit me to state that, Chief (Engr.) Oma Eyewuoma who is parading himself as the Ologbotsere of Warri, is being challenged by the Ologbotsere Eyiminsan family at the High Court of Justice, Warri, in Suit No. W/111/2023 PA HIGSON AJOFOTAN OPOROKUN (Olare Ebi of Ologbotsere Eyiminsanre Descendants, Warri Kingdom and 6 others) as the said Chief (Engr.) Oma Eyewuoma was never selected by the Ologbotsere family to be the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom. Therefore, in a society governed by the rule of law, it is contemptuous of Chief (Engr.) Oma Eyewuoma to illegally parade himself as an Ologbotsere title holder in Warri Kingdom, while the above matter is pending in Court.

It is important to further mention that Chief (Engr.) Oma Eyewuoma in writing this letter, acted malafide and in a bid to stoke ethnic crises in Delta State. The role of traditional institutions in our modern society is to promote peace and if the need arises, deploy means of peaceful engagement.

I, as the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, state unequivocally that, Chief (Engr.) Oma Eyewuoma, do not have the authority to speak on behalf of my good people of Itsekiri Nation, nor the Ologbotsere Eyiminsan family. The demand for accountability to the Itsekiri Nation from your Commission is a just demand, however, Chief (Engr.) Oma Eyewuoma does not have the authority to act in the office of Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom.

I wish to. for the avoidance of doubt, state that the illegal letter of Chief (Engr.) Oma Eyewuoma, is a suptle threat to peace and security in Delta State that should be brought to the attention of the security agencies, before the people’s anger blows out of control. It is my opinion that, a man who claims to be a title holder should not incite the Itsekiri Nation to unruly conduct.

I will appreciate your cooperation in the above regards.
Please accept the assurances of my highly regards.

Chief Ayirimi Emami
(Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom)

1: The Managing Director, Delta State Oil Producing Area Development Commission (DESOPADEC)

2: The Commissioner, Itsekiri Ethnic Nationality (DESOPADEC)

3: The Executive Director of Finance and Administration (DESOPADEC)

4: The Executive Director, Projects, Research and Statistics (DESOPADEC)

5: The Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Zone 5, Benin, Edo State

6: The Commissioner of Police, Delta State Police Command, Delta State

7: The Brigade Commander, 63 Brigade, Nigerian Army, Asaba, Delta State

8: The Director, Department of State Services (DSS), Asaba, Delta State



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