Your Mandate Cannot Be Stolen – Ato Deck Congratulate Pondi On Tribunal Judgement


By Peter Jonah

Renowned Niger Delta youth leader from the oil rich Obotobo 1 Community, Burutu Local Government Area of Delta State, Comr. Ato Deck Pere has stated that the mandate of Rt Hon Julius Gbabujor Pondi can not be stolen as it is the express wishes and aspirations of the people of Burutu Federal Constituency.

Ato Deck via a Congratulatory message made available to Briga News Nigeria, felicitate Pondi on his Victory at the Tribunal.

The former IYC Chairman Ogulagha Clan, declares that Pondi’s mandate is divine and God’s ordained. Hence, can’t be stolen by hook or by crook because it is the wish of the people.

Speaking further, Ato Deck states that Pondi is Burutu’s finest lawmaker with youthful representation and lucid proof of democratic dividends.

“The good people of Burutu Federal Constituency is very much happy with Pondi and their votes can not be subverted.

“I also want to thank the people of Burutu for their unalloyed massive support, resilience and votes for Hon Julius Pondi.

“Pondi is a good man and will deliver on his campaign mandate.

Recalled that Dr Agbeotu Efiriandi of the APC petitioned the election victory of Hon Julius Pondi of the PDP in the February 25th, National Assembly elections, alleging electoral fraud and malpractice.

But the three man panel of the election tribunal dismisses the petition and upholds the victory of Hon Pondi.



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