Uyadongha Appreciate Leaders, Ogulagha Kingdom Youths, For Massive Support As IYC Clan Chairman


By Peter Jonah

Immediate Past Chairman of the Ijaw Youth Council, IYC, Ogulagha Kingdom structure, Comr. Samuel Uyadongha has extend his hands of appreciation and felicitation to all those who made his administration impactful and successful.

Uyadongha whose administration lasted for three years says it recorded a huge success because of the massive support he received from leaders, youths and particularly from God Almighty.

In a goodwill message sent to Briga News via email, states that the responsibility was very tasking but God saw him through using human support.

According to him, ” I wish to heartily thank God Almighty for the grace and divine enablement given to me to finish my three year tenure strong.

“My deepest gratitude also goes to my dear King, HRM Elder Capt King Joseph I Timiyan JP, PhD, Torububou 1, Agbonu, The Ebenanawei of Ogulagha Kingdom for his fatherly disposition.

“I will be forever indepted to my leader and senior brother, Dr. Doubra Okotete for the privilege and the platform given to me to serve as Chairman of the Ijaw Youth Council, Ogulagha Kingdom.

“To as many who ensure the success of my Administration with their enormous support financially, materially, spiritually and otherwise. I can’t thank you all enough.
Special recognition to Amb Shedrack Agediga, Chairman, Delta Bursary and Scholarship Board, Hon. Tom Willy, Chief Dr. Godspower Tomone, the Amatelemowei of Ogulagha Kingdom, Chief Francis Satu, the Tonkepa of Ogulagha Kingdom, Deacon Benedict Akposafagha Seimode, for their massive support.

“I am superlatively grateful to Comr. Roland Pere-ebi Dede, President Ogulagha Kingdom Youth Council, OKYC, Comr. Victor Isereke, Leader Ato Deck Pere, Gen Dennis Gawei, Comr. Moses Agbobulagha, Deacon Allen Ekenbai, Comr. Bright Guwor, Barr. Ekpos Okuwenzi, Comr. Johnbull Ozigbo, Comr. Lucky Deinne, Comr. Tonbra Appeal, the entire youths of Ogulagha Kingdom, my very formidable Executive for their warmth embrace and cooperation, and several others persons too numerous to mention, I say a big thank you all.

“Finally, I wish the newly inaugurated Executive, led by Comr. Louis Ogori Guwor a successful tenure in office.

Comr. Samuel Uyadongha’s tenure elapse on the 13th of April, 2024, where he successful handover to the incumbent Executive at Eliko Hotel, Ekpan, Delta State.



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