Briga News Nigeria
The Story of the Liberation Mandate.
How it all began as told by the Founder:
Bishop David Oyedepo
The Liberation Mandate is what we refer to as the Commission. This was how the mandate was delivered.
I was on a trip to Ilesha, now in Osun State of Nigeria on MAY 1st 1981, on the look-out for the welfare of a Christian friend that I had not heard from, for some time. I was concerned, not knowing if he needed any form of attention.
I got to this brother’s place, but he wasnt there. There was a note on his door announcing that he had travelled. Something gracious came out of me-“All things work together to the advantage of them that love the Lord.” It was soothing; I felt no disappointment at all!
Then the Holy Spirit said to me, “Look out for a quiet place, I want to talk to you.” This was a timely instruction, because I had quite a lot of Christian friends in that town and I could have had a lot of fun being with them that day.
However I obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit, and asked a passerby if there was any hotel on the outskirts of the town, where I could lodge.
The quiet place I found was one International Hotel, Ilesha. It was a ‘great’ hotel, and I disliked the state of both the building and in particular the room. But I knew from my inside that I had to bé there. Behold, as I knelt down in that wonderful room, the encounter began! This lasted for eighteen hours. In that great vision, I saw a lineup of the afflicted and oppressed, broken, beaten, battered, the blind, the lame and the wretched. I saw all kinds of deformities, that I was greatly bewildered. I heard their wailing as they filed past me. Their groaning was so intense that I could almost feel their pains.
I could not help it, and so I began to cry and sob along with them. “Lord, what is this?” I asked. I heard God say to me, And from the beginning it was not so. I broke down the more in tears. In the midst of all that I kept asking, “but why Lord?” And I heard God say distinctly to me,
And from the beginning it was not so and now, the hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil, through the preaching of the Word of Faith; and I am sending you to undertake this task.
I had always thought I would remain in the helps ministry, where I would bé a blessing to the kingdom through my giving and services. However, I rose from the eighteen-hour long vision fully persuaded of God’s call upon my life into the ministry.
This was how I received the Liberation Mandate.
Graphicsics courtesy: Winners