Tenant Stabs Landlord to Death While Trying to Separate Fight


Briga News Nigeria

A tenant, Patrick Essien, has landed in trouble for allegedly using a knife to st@b his landl0rd to d£ath while the landl0rd was separating a fight between him and his wife in Rumuiprikon, Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State.

Reports had it that the landlord, identified as Iheanyichukwu America, was st@bb£d during an altercation while attempting to rescue Essien’s wife during a fight.

Police operatives from the Homicide Department of the River State Police SCID have arrested Essien and he is facing a murd£r charge, which attracts several years of imprisonment or life imprisonment under the Criminal Laws of the State.

Narrating what happened, the late landlord’s wife, Mrs. Chioma America, stated that the suspect, Essien, was pùlling his wife into their residence after her husband intervened.

Mrs. Chioma stated that her late husband told her that he would not let his tenant’s wife sleep in that residence that night in order to prevent more att@cks by her husband.

“He (Essien) attempted to drag the wife inside with him but my husband stated he wasn’t going to let him. He was still inside the house when my husband said that because of the situation, he would not allow the woman to sleep in their house.”

“He said she should stay at my husband’s family home, and we’ll decide what to do the next morning.”

“Then, around midnight, Essien came to attack my husband while he was on his way to see if his wife was in our house, but she wasn’t. He met my husband, and launched attack on him instead of his wife.”

According to her, the suspect then attacked the landlord, st@bb£d him with the knife he had with him and the landlord was said to have bl£d pr0fusely and was rushed to an undisclosed hospital. But before then, he had lost too much bl00d and di£d in the process. The doctor at the hospital merely certified him d£ad and his body was deposited at mortuary for autopsy reports.



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