Nigeria Chef Hilda, Set To Break Guinness World Record


Briga News Nigeria

A chef from Akwa Ibom State, Hilda Baci, who is the CEO of My Food by Hilda is on a quest to break the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking time.

The 27-year-old Entrepreneur on Thursday set up a four-day ‘cook-a-thon’ at Amore Gardens, Lekki, Lagos State.

She is set to cook multiple dishes for an expected period of time in order to get recognition from the Guinness World Records.

The current record for the world’s longest cooking marathon is held by Lata Tondon who completed the task in 87 hours, 45 minutes, and 00 secs in Rewa, India in 2019.

She has currently hit 70hours mark and she is not backing down as celebrities and Nigerians are currently cheering her.



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