Diri Welcomes New Police Commissioner, NNS Commander, Thank Bayelsans For Support to Security Agencies


Briga News Nigeria

… calls on social media aides to be issue-based

His Excellency Senator Douye Diri, Governor of Bayelsa State on Thursday presided over the State Security Council where certain decisions were taken.

“Let me use this opportunity to formally welcome the new Commissioner of Police and our new Commander of NNS Soroh, to the State Security Council.

Let me also use this opportunity to thank Bayelsans. Bayelsans have been very supportive, they have collaborated with the security agencies and the Government of the day and we should keep that going, particularly going close to the Governorship election.

There has been too much bitterness and hatred on the social media platforms. I want to call on you to please, speak to issues, if you want to campaign about the Government, speak to issues of the Government, if you want to campaign about those who are not in Government, speak to their issues. Let us stop this character assassination, falsehood, and outright lies, it will not help us”, Gov. Diri stated.

The new Service Chiefs are, Romokere Ibani, new Commissioner of Police, Bayelsa State and Commodore Abdulkareem Oluwashina Ojebode, new Commander, NNS, Soroh.



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