Asupa Is My Political Boss – Ikisa


By Keneware Emmanuel

Executive Chairman of Burutu Local Government Area of Delta State, Hon. Chief Combolous Ikisa has said that the immediate past member representing Burutu North Constituency in the Delta State House Of Assembly, Hon. Peter Asupa Forteta is his Political boss.

While acknowledging God and leaders of Burutu during the official handover ceremony held in the Council Secretariat, Ikisa state that Asupa Forteta is the leader that raised him from the political cradle to where he is today.

Angele officially handover to Ikisa has Council Chairman

According to him, ” I can not forget to mention who made me in politics. Hon Asupa Forteta is my political boss.
It is sad that he is not here in this handover but Asupa is a very good man.

“I heartily appreciate his good works in my life for bringing me from the cradle of politics to where I am today.

Chief Hon. Combolous Ikisa was officially saddled with the mantle of leadership as the Executive Chairman of Burutu Local Government on Monday 28th, August 2023. Though in acting capacity.



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