NAOCS ICT Training: Inaibo, The New Face of Student Unionism



Students unionism in it’s entirety is a platform for the acquisitions of leadership qualities, skills, expertise and prowess.

It brings to the fore, the inbuilt charismatic leadership capacity of an individual; the doggedness, intrepidity, temerity, perseverance, sagacity and all that makes one great.

The National Association of Ogulagha Clan Students, NAOCS, has since it’s inception in 1998 by it’s pioneer President, Chief Clement Kpuke of Blessed memory, has contributed immensely to the growth, development and progress of education in Ogulagha Kingdom.

It’s level of sensitization, awareness campaigns and orientation programs by successive administrations has yielded great positive impact that have produced men of timber and calibre today in all spheres of life.
The educational body deserves commendation, accolades and encomiums.

However, the new crop of student leaders under the visionary leadership of Comr. Enoch Inaibo is worth applaudable.
Inaibo’s silent emergence but great impact in it’s first year in office has set yet another record for successors to beat.

His foresight in embarking on an ICT training program for students at secondary level across the kingdom is indeed visionary.
At this era of globalization, where digitalization is at its peak.

Learning is made easy when students are gurus in handling electronic devices such as computers, laptops and others, for faster and easier learning process.

The NAOCS ICT program recorded over three hundred (300) students who were ready, eager, passionate and have their academic lacunas filled with the oxygen of life.
The program which lasted for a Month (30 days) was a huge success has it was a source of inspiration, motivation and breathtaking exercise to the participants.

No doubt, Enoch Inaibo has written his name in gold and in the unforgettable anal of history for this giant step towards impacting the younger generation.

Inaibo, a student of the Nigerian Maritime University, Okerenkoko, is an emerging leader in the global space, one crowned with stardom.
It is said that the traits of a future great leader is foreshadowed in his outright capacity and purpose driven forthrightness in little roles of leadership.

Inaibo, his team of facilitators such as Simeon Isereke, Tamar Potoki, Derek Duopregha, Princess Illajewei, Toniel Samoide and others deserves outright commendation and laudable accolades for their enduring sacrifice in raising a future generation in the technological world.

The entire kingdom and of course posterity owes this great positivists barrels of appreciation and gratitude.

Comr Keneware Emmanuel ‘Pentiger’ writes from Osain Community


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