Louis Ogori Appreciate Leaders, Niger Deltans For Gracing Father’s Funeral


By Peter Jonah

Vice Chairman of the Ogulagha Kingdom structure of the Ijaw Youth Council, IYC, Comr. Louis Ogori Guwor has rolled out barrels of appreciations to leaders, friends, well-wishers, loved ones, political associates, Niger Deltans and the entire public for gracing his father’s funeral.

According to him, he is overwhelmed, elated and short of words for the massive show of love to him and his family.

In a statement issue to newsmen, a copy of which was sent to Briga News Nigeria, Louis Ogori expressed his profound gratitude to all and sundry, who in one way or the other contributed to the success of the funeral service, stating that the God of heaven will bless them abundantly.

In his words, “I am greatly overwhelmed and excited at the massive show of love to me and my family during my father’s funeral service.

“I wish to specially appreciate the Speaker of Delta State House Of Assembly, Rt Hon Emomotimi Guwor, Sir Godfrey Tare Pondi, Hon Mark Guwor, Hon. Akpos Benedict Seimode, Sir Panga Werimegbe, Comr. Roland Isereke, Comr. Victor Isereke for their awesome and marvelous support.

“I also roll out gowns of appreciation to the Ogulagha Kingdom Traditional Council of Chiefs, the Ogulagha Community Executives ably led by Amb John Tuaghaye Bebeapere, the Ogulagha Community women Executives, Elders forum of Ogulagha Community, the Ogulagha Youth Executives under the command of Engr. Austin Tukorogha, the Okerenkoko Federated Community, members of Louis Ogori Committee of friends, the Ogulagha Kingdom IYC and a host of others too numerous to mentioned for their relentless effort and indefatigable support”.

“I wish to heartily thank the entire Guwor family for their persistence, hardwork and resilience, and painstakingly ensuring that every thing goes smoothly. I am greatly grateful.

“Lastly, I want to thank God Almighty for everything and the grace to start and finish strong. I pray for the Almighty God to bless you all abundantly.




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