Do Good Men Die? A Heartfelt Tribute To Boanerge Emperor E.D Inaibo


By Peter Jonah

The Pentiger’s pen was grapple with shock, bewilderment and awe, as ghost pimple enveloped his body on the ear-killing news on the sudden demise of an icon, spiritual mentor and father, a trailblazer and a role model.

Oh death, where is thy sting?
Oh grave, where is thy victory?
Why do good men die so quickly and bad men stays even longer. Do society hates good men? Hell No!, good men are the symbol and epitome of societal betterment and development.


As stated in the Holy Book in Proverb 13:22 , a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.
Boanerge Emperor E.D Inaibo, indeed is a good man of great repute. A true lover of God, dedicated, committed and addicted to the service of God Almighty.

A man whose cosmopolitan humanism and many sided impact to humanity is felt by all and sundry, as it is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf.

75 years, is worth celebrating as it is biblically approved, but humanly it is not.
Inaibo, is a lover of truth, peace, justice and love.
A proponent and believer of education, whose flair wetted and animated the creative verve of academic futility to his offsprings.

What more can be said of such a man; a Zionist par excellence, visionary, foresighted, a shepherd who loves his sheep with compassion and affection.

Greatly and highly, you will be missed, as no one is qualify on earth to take your place or replace you.

If tears will bring you back, we would’ve, if wailing could bring you back, we would’ve. Our eyes is full with tears yet we can’t fill the ocean. A fatherly love we will miss.

Pa Emperor Inaibo did not die, he only went to rest as his legacies and impacts lives on.

Adieu, Pa Emperor Inaibo, a living legend!

Comr Keneware Emmanuel, The Pentiger, writes from Ogulagha Community


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