Delta @32: A Brilliant Future Awaits – Otuaro Pen Powerful Message


By Peter Jonah

lmmediate past Deputy Governor of Delta State His Excellency, Barr Kingsley Burutu Otuaro has celebrate Deltans on the 32nd anniversary of the state.

He Admonishes Deltans of their resilience and perseverance, stating that a brilliant future awaits.

In his words….

As we embark on a nostalgic journey through time, our hearts are filled with elation as we mark the 32nd Anniversary of the establishment of Delta State. On this very day in 1991, the visionary leadership of General Ibrahim Babangida brought our exceptional state into being.

I wish to convey, on behalf of my family and political associates, my sincerest congratulations to the extraordinary people of Delta State! Your diversity, tenacity, and shared aspirations have not only shaped our past but also hold the promise of a brilliant future on the horizon.

My felicitations extend to the leaders, past and present, who have steered the course of Delta State’s advancement. Their invaluable contributions have propelled our state towards progress.

A special commendation and heartfelt congratulations are in order for my dear friend, the incumbent governor of our cherished state, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevrwori. With his able leadership, he is guiding us towards a brighter future through the M.O.R.E. Agenda, while building upon the foundations laid by his predecessors.

In this moment of introspection, let us remember that despite our diverse ethnic origins, our unity and shared objectives have bound us as a cohesive entity. This unity, founded on affection, has strengthened us and will continue to guide us towards tranquility and progress.

I urge each and every one of us to hold onto hope, as Governor H.E. Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori’s leadership champions the M.O.R.E. Agenda, promising to elevate us to unprecedented heights. Let us unite in support of this vision and collaborate to illuminate our state with a brilliance unparalleled in history.

The remarkable growth of Delta State stands as a testament to the collective efforts of all stakeholders. As we persist on this journey of progress, I implore you to offer your unwavering support and understanding. With your endorsement, we can exert a positive influence in the lives of our fellow citizens and contribute to the expansion of our physical infrastructure.

As we celebrate our past accomplishments, strengthen our current unity, and eagerly anticipate a future where Delta State stands as an emblem of advancement and prosperity, let us collectively script a narrative that resonates for generations to come.



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