Birthday: Celebrating Dec Akpos Benedict Seimode, Incoming Chairman Burutu Local Government


Briga News Nigeria

Even when there’s no reason to celebrate, birthdays gives us opportunities to celebrate and thank the creator for life and the journey thus far.

Birthdays are memorable, auspicious, historic, mind-blowing and heartwarming, as it afford us the privilege to reminisce, as we add another feather to our nest.

Deacon Akpos Benedict Seimode is a man of super integrity with uncompromising posture. A God addict, and believer, discipline and follower of Christ as the true son of God.

Seimode, is a visionary, a compassionate leader with a heart of gold, a philanthropist cum humanitarian, whose milk of human kindness flows unstoppably to the needy.

A politician par excellence with great mentorship, and flair for empowering youths and raising young leaders.

A top contender of the Burutu Council Chairmanship seat, Seimode’s foresightedness in lighting up Burutu Local Government and making it the number one among the 774 local Government in the federation is topnotch, unmatched and applauded.

As he adds another milestone, it is our heartfelt prayer that God Almighty takes you to the highest echelon of society, grant your heart desires in good health, longevity and Prosperity.

Congratulations and Happy Blessed Birthday Sir

Comr. Keneware Emmanuel “The Pentiger”



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